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The Italian newspaper il Resto del Carlino published an article on the 2008 International Legal Maritime Conference and Zumpano Patricios & Winker's participation at the event. In addition to ZP&W, speakers at the conference included law firms from Hong Kong, India, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Chile. Joseph Zumpano and Michelle Visiedo-Hidalgo made a presentation at the conference on legal issues being faced by the shipbuilding industry in the United States.


Updated: Aug 21, 2018

Michelle Visiedo-Hidalgo, Partner-in-Charge of ZP&W's International Satellite Offices, was extensively quoted in an article on the increasing amount of international litigation in the South Florida court systems. Ms. Visiedo-Hidalgo was quoted.


Updated: Aug 21, 2018

Both the Daily Business Review and the SunSentinel cited Zumpano Patricios & Winker's opening of satellite offices in Bremen and Frankfurt, Germany. The Daily Business Review quoted Joseph Zumpano as stating that "the firm's German offices are part of the firm's "east-west expansion efforts."

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