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Joseph Zumpano was extensively quoted in an article on law firms in South Florida hiring more health care lawyers. The article stated that "Zumpano Patricios & Winker, P.A., a 45- attorney Coral Gables law firm, has hired several attorneys to beef up the health care practice in areas such as fraud and abuse compliance, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory work and managed care." Joseph was quoted as stating that "the perfect storm of new technology, a burgeoning market of health care providers and an increase in stringent regulations has provided a need for attorneys who have a health care background."

Writer: Zumpano PatriciosZumpano Patricios

Florida Trend Magazine contained an article regarding the Florida Association of Managing Partners, Inc. ("FAMP"). Joseph Zumpano, Co-Chairman of FAMP, was quoted extensively in the article on issues ranging from recruiting attorneys to legal specialization. The article stated that ZP&W is "known for" health care law. Mr. Zumpano was quoted as stating that "Years ago, to be an institution, you had to be a very large firm. But now many midsized firms have become institutions within these expertises." Mr. Zumpano was also quoted regarding attracting and retaining "Generation X" attorneys, stating that "One of the things I see is an emphasis on mentorship. They want to know who they're going to be trained by. They want to know if they are going to have a chance to work with equity partners in the law firm or other high-ranking lawyers. It's important to them. They also have an emphasis on quality of life. Are they going to be able to have a well-rounded experience as a lawyer and still be a good husband or a good wife, a good mother or father?"


Updated: Aug 21, 2018

The 2008 edition of South Florida Legal Guide named Zumpano Patricio & Winker, P.A. a "Top Law Firm" in South Florida. Additionally, Joseph Zumpano, Leon Patricios, David Winker, Grace Escalona and Carmen Hellman were named as "Top Lawyers" in their fields of practice. Maritza Alvarez, Tania Carreno-Mederos, Lori Desnick and Heather Stoessel were named "Top Up and Comers" in the same publication. Tania Carreno-Medero's article "Medical Tourism: Caveat Emptor" was also featured in the publication.

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