The Coral Gables Gazette today published an article on the expansion of Zumpano Patricios & Winker, P.A. into Chile. The article stated that "the law firm of Zumpano Patricios & Winker, P.A. is continuing its successful 'new globalism' approach to expansion". Citing ZP&W's growth, the article states that "with this office opening, the firm has catapulted to more than 40 members in fewer than three years, placing the firm among one of Coral Gables largest and fastest growing firms." Joseph Zumpano was quoted in the article as stating "with our latest representative Office opening in Santiago, we have grown the firm past the 40 member mark and further expanded our international reach. The fully integrated concept of 'new globalism' has taken off and resulted in our firm growing exponentially over the last three years while maintaining the quality of work that is the hallmark of ZP&W." The firm's Representative Office is located within the law firm of Betancourt Escarate & Concha y Cia. ZP&W has hired three attorney coordinators to oversee operations at the firm Marcelo Betancourt Merino, Pablo Concha Hermosilla and Angela Munoz Salazar. "Our newest Representative Office in Santiago strengthens our South American presence, especially since Santiago is the most important industrial and financial center of Chile," added Zumpano "Many multinational companies have their South American regional headquarters in Santiago, which opens up new avenues for business development and growth."
Updated: Aug 21, 2018